Your exterior sign works hard for you, advertising for your business day in and out. As a costly capital expense, signs should be inspected regularly to be sure they’re structurally sound and working properly. But there’s one aspect to sign maintenance that’s so simple yet often overlooked - keeping them clean.
Let’s face it – we live in a dirty world, and anything outside 24/7 is bound accumulate dirt and other pollutants on the surface eventually. Outdoor elements such as sun, wind, rain, dust, pollen, irrigation, and even birds can all play a role in the appearance of your sign. Cleaning it can dramatically improve its luster and overall appearance, and keep it looking great longer.
Cleaning signs does have its challenges. If you plan to do this yourself, or with your own personnel, you need to be aware that this can be a liability issue. Signs are often hard to reach, are constructed of a variety of materials, and include electrical components. Also, most exterior sign faces are acrylic (or plexiglass), and the surface of this substrate can scratch easily. That said, consider carefully before forging ahead on your own. Instead, it’s highly recommended you contact a sign maintenance professional who has the experience, equipment, and know-how to get the job done quickly, safely, and effectively.
If you do plan to clean your signs, or even if you hire a professional, being aware of the following tips can help -
Don't assume that signs should be maintained only when the lights are out. People take notice of your sign, linking it to something they need or want, and drawing them in to make a purchase. Your sign is truly one of your best sales-generating resources. Keeping them clean is a great way to extend their life, put your best business face forward, and show that you take pride in your establishment.