Are Retail Purchasing Decisions Made on an Intuitive and Emotional Level?

Are Retail Purchasing Decisions Made on an Intuitive and Emotional Level? 

Over the past decade, there has been a rise in neuroscience research. While this science is still in its infancy, it offers tremendous insight into how we make purchases. Through how we sense and perceive our surroundings, we analyze what we see and how things make us feel. The number is staggering. According to Harvard professor Gerald Zaltman, 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious. This is what we call a gut feeling. It is how we operate in our daily lives. We trust our gut feelings and the decisions they lead us to make.  

The importance of engaging with customers must be recognized as a retailer. In today’s ever-changing economic landscape, a successful retail business must ensure that it provides its customers with a unique and enjoyable shopping experience. By engaging with customers emotionally, a retailer can create an environment that is both inviting and makes customers feel welcome, leading to higher levels of customer loyalty and repeat sales. Studies have shown that purchasing decisions are made on an intuitive and emotional level. This means that customers will base their decision on how they feel about a particular place or product rather than how much it costs or the features of a product.  

As a retailer, one of the best ways to engage with customers and create an emotional connection is your branding – inside and out. This can be done by turning your space into brand-aware, sales-centric environments with designs based on the perfect blend of creativity and function. These elements will also lead to improved customer loyalty and increased sales.  

Inc. com said it best. 

As marketers, we should still focus on the features of the product. But we must also sell the lifestyle and the feeling. The key is to highlight the emotional response a consumer will achieve by using the product.  

As the old saying goes - sell the sizzle, not the steak.  

And to achieve the highest emotional response, you should target your consumer through many different senses. For example, consider the colors and shapes on your logo, homepage, or product packaging. How do they make consumers feel? Consider the words and messaging carefully. Are they emotive and engaging? What is the experience of your retail location? These face-to-face interactions should give customers a certain feeling about your brand.

In conclusion, engaging with customers is crucial to any successful retail business. By providing customers with a unique and enjoyable shopping experience, retailers can create an environment that makes customers feel welcome and appreciated, thus leading to higher levels of customer loyalty and repeat sales. By understanding the importance of emotional and intuitive purchasing decisions, retailers can create experiences that keep customers engaged and motivated. 

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